Opinion: I haven’t expressed one

This comment appeared on this Wednesday’s open line:

“This blog is for informational purposes only and maybe most of the bloggers are aware. The editor of Home in Henderson’s wife is a police officer. I hope with all the back and forth that his or his wife’s opinion does not slip into the conversation.”

The same commentor also states:

“…it would be nice to know it was his/her opinion and not as an editorial by homeinhenderson, as it would carry more weight with most bloggers.”

If I or my wife were to make a comment anonymously, then it seems to me that it would carry just as much weight as any other comment. If I were to write an editorial, then I imagine that it would carry as much weight as editorials do. Editors are people too, after all, entitled to opinions and also to enter into the grand debate of those opinions.

I have not chosen to write editorials. Until now. I feel that it is my role to keep the public face of “Editor” as neutral as possible. I feel I have been largely successful in doing so. If not, let me know where I’ve gone wrong and I’ll be happy to try to fix it. I can’t make everyone happy, not in this business, but I can try to smooth the way as much as possible.

For the record, I am the sole editorial voice of Home in Henderson. I depend on my wife for advice, as many people rely on their spouses, and I would not insult your intelligence by claiming that her views do not in turn help me shape my own, but in the end all editorial decisions are mine and mine alone.

Perhaps yesterday’s commentor isn’t talking about “editorial neutrality” at all. Perhaps this is about pointing out for all the world that my wife is a city employee and that my family depends on a city salary for part of its livelihood.

Just to save the commentor some typing, I’ll tell you that I work for the Vance County Schools system. I teach fifth grade reading and social studies at E.M. Rollins Elementary School. I have been teaching for eight years in this county and I am damn good at it.

That’s the other half of the income my family depends upon. Just so you know.

You’d be amazed at the variety of people, professions, and positions that comment on this site, anonymously and otherwise. Although the discourse often appears contentious, it has brought us together in a way that would never have been possible if Michael Jacobs had not started it for us. The Home in Henderson effect on our last local political election itself is certainly much more intriguing than the revelation that Home in Henderson was inherited by a lowly teacher who was lucky enough to be taken in by the finest woman in Henderson when he was nearly overwhelmed by his first year at Henderson Middle School.