HiH now offering classified ads

By now, some of you may have noticed the green box with the word “Classifieds” written in it under the WRAL radar/weather report in the upper left-hand margin of the site.

Clicking on the Classifieds box will bring you to Home in Henderson’s latest addition, the Classified Section. Here we will offer non-business sales ads to our readers of up to 25 words for the bargain-basement price of just $5.00 per week.

Don’t forget that in December, Home in Henderson had 5,600 readers, each of whom visited the site an average of six times in the course of the month. Last month’s average daily visits were 1090 unique IP addresses, and during those visits each user viewed nearly thirteen pages. In short, the blog is there when potential buyers, employees, service providers, possible paramours, or whatever it is you’re looking for comes by. It’s a powerful advertising device that can meet your needs, whether large or small.

Here’s how it works: send your ad request to classifieds@homeinhenderson.com. After receiving your request, you’ll receive a bill by email through our PayPal partner. Once that’s done, your ad will soon appear.

Good luck in your endeavors, and thanks for reading!