Council considers budget for UV replacement

Here is the agenda for tonight’s meeting of the Henderson City Council:

7:00 PM, Monday, October 27th, 2008

R.G. (Chick) Young, Jr. Council Chambers, Municipal Building

The Chair inquires as to whether any member knows of any conflict of interest or appearance of conflict with respect to matters before the Council. If any member knows of a conflict of interest or appearance of conflict please so state at this time. The City Council’s objective is to address public concern for good and open government.

I. Call to Order

II. Roll Call

III. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance

IV. Opening Remarks

V. Adjustments to and/or Approval of the October 27, 2008 Meeting Agenda

VI. Approval of Minutes (See Attached)

a. Approval of Minutes

  • 10/13/08 Regular Meeting

    VII. Public Hearings

    – None

    VIII. Old Business

    – None

    IX. New Business

    a. Consideration of contract and budget amendment relative to A.L. Harris Infrastructure Project. (See CAF: 08-18)

    b. Consideration of budget and resolutions relative to replacement of the UV disinfection system and sewer rehab work. (See CAF: 08-17)

    X. Reports

    a. Mayor/Mayor Pro-tem

    b. City Managers Report

    c. City Attorney’s Report

    d. City Clerk’s Report – Board Appointments. (See Attached)

    e. Calendar Notes and Schedule Update (See Attached)

    XI. Adjournment