Comment posters can now edit their comments

Ever make a comment that you wish you could take back? Ever realize after clicking the “Submit Comment” button that you’ve misspelled something, misstated something, or written something that in retrospection doesn’t make sense?

Users may now edit their own posts.

Once you post a comment, a link entitled “Click to Edit” will pop up under your comment in the conversational thread, along with a countdown timer. From the moment you submit your comment, you will have five minutes to make changes by clicking the link and using the simple text editor to make your revisions. You can even change your blog name and URL link if you really want to.

The one thing you won’t be able to do is delete the comment completely. Once you’ve committed to making a comment post, you have to write something. After your five minutes are up, you won’t be able to make changes.

Your editor gets do-overs. Now you do too.
