Letter to the Editor – County Commissioner Meeting August 1st, 2011

The following letter was submitted to us this morning by reader Michael Bobbitt in regards to last nights Vance County Commissioner Meeting:

The following a summary of my personal notes of the Vance County Commissioners August 1, 2011 meeting from my perch in the peanut gallery.

Public Hearings – Rick Seekins read from two prepared statements.  The first was the second reading of the Council of Government’s CDBG – Economic Development Grant.  The second statement was the first reading of the NC Tomorrow Project.   According to Mr. Seekins this is the second of two public hearings.  I have looked through the Commissioner’s public meeting minutes from March through June and found no reference to a $750,000 economic development grant.  No one spoke pro or con in the public comments so the Commissioners approved this.

Public Hearing – Regarding Council of Governments CDBG – NC Tomorrow Project  Mr. Seekins read a prepared statement after telling the Commissioners this was the first of two public hearings on NC Tomorrow Project.  Maybe the paper will have 20 or 30 words of details on this before the second public hearing.

Bill Edwards was acclaimed with Community Hero Recognition

Committee Reports and Recommendations:

Planning and Environmental Committee had a prepared presentation by Tim Carpenter regarding the County Water Project.  The high points that I caught were these:

  • Plans for development are due to USDA on August 4, 2011.
  • Opening construction bids on October 3, 2011 and the awarding of the bids on November 7, 2011.
  • Construction of the water tank will take 10 months and construction of the water lines will take six months.
    Assuming both constructions are completed on time then water will flow at the new higher price sometime after August 2012.

At the July meeting Commissioner Brummitt said water would cost more than originally speculated.  There was no refutation of that by the Commissioners and no statement about water conservation.

Land Use Planning, aka Zoning, presentation by Jordan McMillen.  Mr. McMillen’s presentation started with basic statements of definitions, such as zoning is a land use plan that is binding on the property owners.  Mr. McMillen stated that a land use plan without zoning is not legally binding, not a statute and not regulatory.  Although an excellent presentation it was biased towards zoning and not neutral.  In fact Mr. McMillen concluded his presentation “ that in his opinion” zoning was superior to just a land use plan.

Commissioners Hester asked twice if the zoning proposal could move forward without current maps.  Commissioner Brummitt explained that the land use plan Mr. McMillien referenced was developed in 2006 when the county’s two big industries where cotton mills and tobacco.  The County’s website includes links to the 2006 attempt to zone the county.  Commissioner Brown moved to hold public hearings on zoning in September BEFORE the commissioners make up their minds.  Commissioner Brown said, “we normally hold public hearings after policy is written” and just sit here waiting for the public hearings to end so we can vote on what was already written.

Commissioner Brummitt started his comment regarding the motion to approve Mr. McMillen’s presentation saying “this propaganda piece. ”  Before Commissioner Brummitt could conclude his statement Chairman Wright interrupted Commissioner Brummitt with a vehement objection to Commissioner Brummitt’s observation of Mr. McMillen’s presentation.  A heated exchange occurred between the two, which was quelled with a call to vote on the motion.  Commission Brummitt asked for a roll call vote.  The ayes were Wilder, Hester, Brown, and Wright.  Naye was Brummitt. Garrison abstained or ‘undeclared’ he was not very vocal.  Pegram stated he did not understand the issue so he abstained.

Jonathan Care, County Attorney interjected near the end of the meeting that the Commissioners needed to start the public discussion on redistricting, because the new voting districts must be submitted to the DOJ by December 2011.  Mr. Care wants to submit the maps to the Board for their review and discussion.  Chairman Wright said he would call a noon-time work session on August 23, 2011, at a place to be determined for the Commissioners to review the maps Mr. Care will submit.  (Is this work session open to the public?  Not for public comment; for public observation of politicians in action.)