VGCC Student Government Officers Elected

VGCC Student Government Association officers for 2013-2014 include: seated, from left, vice president David Henry and president Theresa Chiplis; and standing, from left, treasurer Matthew Lewis, parliamentarian Joe Ahrens and secretary Brandon Doughty. Not pictured: public information officer Yolanda Richardson. (VGCC photo)

VGCC Student Government Association officers for 2013-2014 include: seated, from left, vice president David Henry and president Theresa Chiplis; and standing, from left, treasurer Matthew Lewis, parliamentarian Joe Ahrens and secretary Brandon Doughty. Not pictured: public information officer Yolanda Richardson.
(VGCC photo)

Vance-Granville Community College’s Student Government Association has elected a slate of officers to serve during the 2013-2014 year. The new leaders include President Theresa Chiplis of Norlina, a student in the Global Logistics Technology, Accounting, and Business Administration programs; Vice President David Henry of Macon, a College Transfer student; Secretary Brandon Doughty of Louisburg, a Franklin County Early College High School student; Treasurer Matthew Lewis of Louisburg, also a Franklin County Early College High School student; Parliamentarian Joe Ahrens of Louisburg, a student in the Radiography program; and Public Information Officer Yolanda Richardson of Henderson, a Business Administration major.

As SGA president, Chiplis is also the student trustee, representing the interests of her fellow students at all meetings of the VGCC Board of Trustees.

The Student Government Association is designed to promote the general welfare of the college in a democratic fashion and to facilitate communication among the student body, the faculty, and the administration. SGA also provides a means through which students can promote interest in student activities, both on and off campus.