City of Henderson City Council Meeting Monday, December 8th, 2014

Henderson City Council Regular Meeting Monday, 8 December 2014 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers, 134 Rose Ave., Henderson, NC 27536

Download the full agenda packet here:  20141208_coh_agenda_packet.pdf




In order to provide for the highest standards of ethical behavior and Transparency in Governance
as well as provide for good and open government, the City Council has approved Core Values
regarding Ethical Behavior1 and Transparency in Governance2. The Mayor now inquires as to
whether any Council Member knows of any conflict of interest, or appearance of conflict, with
respect to matters before the City Council. If any Council Members knows of a conflict of
interest, or appearance of conflict, please state so at this time.
1 Core Value 4: Ethical Behavior: We value the public trust and will perform our duties and
responsibilities with the highest levels of integrity, honesty, trustworthiness and professionalism.
2 Core Value 10: Transparency in Governance: We value transparency in the governance
and operations of the City.


a) 24 November 2014 Short Regular Meeting and Work Session. [See Notebook Tab 1]

Citizens may only speak on Agenda items only at this time. Citizens wishing to address
the Council must sign-in on a form provided by the City Clerk prior to the beginning of
the meeting. The sign-in form is located on the podium. When recognized by the Mayor,
come forward to the podium, state your name, address and if you are a city resident.
Please review the Citizen Comment Guidelines that are provided below.3

a) Consideration of Approval of 1) Resolution 14-92, Authorizing the Execution of a
Contract with I. Kruger, Inc. to Perform an Actiflo-Carb Pilot Study at Kerr Lake Regional
Water Plant and 2) Ordinance 14-07 FY15 Budget Amendment #15, Authorizing Transfer of
Contingency Funds for Above Mentioned Study. (CAF 14-125) [See Notebook Tab 2]
? Resolution 14-92
? Ordinance 14-07

a) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 14-96, Adopting the KLRWS 2012 Local
Water Supply Plan. (CAF 14-130) [See Notebook Tab 3]
? Resolution 14-96
b) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 14-78, Authorizing the Retirement of and
Transfer of Ownership of K-9 Diesel to Police Sergeant Michael Overton. (CAF 14-
127) [See Notebook Tab 4]
? Resolution 14-78

c) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 14-04, Authorizing an RFP Soliciting a
Commercial Real Estate Broker to Sell a City of Henderson, North Carolina Property.
(CAF 14-129) [See Notebook Tab 5]
? Resolution 14-04
d) Consideration of Approval of Resolution 14-46, Authorizing the Mayor to Sign a
Revised Supplemental Agreement with the North Carolina Department of
Transportation (NCDOT) Relative to the Beckford Drive Widening Project on Behalf
of the City (U-4916). (CAF 14-132) [See Notebook Tab 6]
? Resolution 14-46
e) Consideration of Approval of: 1) Resolution 14-97, Amending the CH2MHill
Contract for Additional Work, and 2) Ordinance 14-54, FY15 Budget Amendment
#16, Authorizing the Appropriation of $33,000 from the Contingency Line to the
Engineering Line of the Inter Basin Transfer (IBT) Budget for the Regional Water
System. (CAF 14-131) [See Notebook Tab 7]
? Resolution 14-97
? Ordinance 14-54
f) Consideration of Approval of Ordinance 14-35, Amending Section 7-64.0 of the City
Code Relative to Declaration as to Certain Intersections. (CAF 14-92-B) [See
Notebook Tab 8]
? Ordinance 14-35

Citizens may only speak on non-Agenda items only at this time. Citizens wishing to
address the Council must sign-in on a form provided by the City Clerk prior to the
beginning of the meeting. The sign-in form is located on the podium. When recognized
by the Mayor, come forward to the podium, state your name, address and if you are a city
resident. Please review the Citizen Comment Guidelines that are provided below.4
4 Citizen Comment Guidelines for Non-Agenda Items
The Mayor and City Council welcome and encourage citizens to attend City Council meetings and to offer comments on matters of concern to them. Citizens are requested to review the following public comment guidelines prior to addressing the City Council.
1) Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes; however, the Mayor, at his discretion, may limit comments to three minutes
should there appear to be a large number of people wishing to address the Council;
2) Comments should be presented in a civil manner and be non-personal in nature, fact-based and issue oriented. Except for the public hearing comment period, citizens must speak for themselves during the public comment periods;
3) Citizens may not yield their time to another person;
4) Topics requiring further investigation will be referred to the appropriate city official, Council Committee or agency and may, if in order, be scheduled for a future meeting agenda;
5) Individual personnel issues are confidential by law and will not be discussed. Complaints relative to specific individuals are to be directed to the City Manager;
6) Comments involving matters related to an on-going police investigative matter and/or the court system will not be permitted; and
7) Citizens should not expect specific Council action, deliberation and/or comment on subject matter brought up during the public comment section unless and until it has been scheduled as a business item on a future meeting agenda.

a) Mayor/Mayor Pro-Tem (No Report)
b) Interim City Manager (No Report)
c) City Attorney (No Report)
d) City Clerk
i. Meeting and Events Calendar [See Notebook Tab 9]
ii. Fire Department Monthly Report

a) Pursuant to G.S.§143-318.11 (a)(3) regarding Attorney/Client Privilege

a) Discussion Regarding Procedure for City Manager Appointment (No Attachments)



3 Citizen Comment Guidelines for Agenda Items
The Mayor and City Council welcome and encourage citizens to attend City Council meetings and to offer comments on matters of concern to them. Citizens are requested to review the following public comment guidelines prior to addressing the City Council.
1) Citizens are requested to limit their comments to five minutes; however, the Mayor, at his discretion, may limit comments to three minutes should there appear to be a large number of people wishing to address the Council;
2) Comments should be presented in a civil manner and be non-personal in nature, fact-based and issue oriented. Except for the public hearing comment period, citizens must speak for themselves during the public comment periods;
3) Citizens may not yield their time to another person;
4) Topics requiring further investigation will be referred to the appropriate city official, Council Committee or agency and may, if in order, be scheduled for a future meeting agenda;
5) Individual personnel issues are confidential by law and will not be discussed. Complaints relative to specific individuals are to be directed to the City Manager;
6) Comments involving matters related to an on-going police investigative matter and/or the court system will not be permitted; and
7) Citizens should not expect specific Council action, deliberation and/or comment on subject matter brought up during the public comment section unless and until it has been scheduled as a business item on a future meeting agenda.