Pick of the day: Committees, committees, committees

It’s probably just a coincidence, but we’re pleased to report that after all of the discussion on this site about Henderson publicizing its meetings, we recieved an e-mail from City Clerk Dianne White on Monday that covered the schedule of meetings in the city government this week. The least we can do is pass along that information, so here it is in full. The focus today is on committee meetings: Public Works at 10 a.m.; Human Resources and Journal at noon; and Land Planning and Development at 5 p.m. All of those meetings are in the conference room at the Municipal Building. Also, for your planning purposes, the Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Adjustment are not meeting this week — they have nothing on their potential agendas. (Stepping outside the city, the Vance County Board of Education will have a special budget meeting Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at the school system’s headquarters on Graham Avenue.)