Gupton’s farewell remarks

Editor’s Note: The publication of these remarks were too long in coming. We apologize to our readers and to Mr. Gupton for the delay.

During the last session of the 2005-2007 Henderson City Council, member Bobby Gupton made the following remarks as his last significant remarks while a member of that body.

First, Gupton listed what he believes to be the major accomplishments of his Council’s tenure:

1. Insured a sufficient supply of water for the future by signing a contract with the Corps of Engineers to allow the KLRWS to withdraw 20 million gallons of water per day from Kerr Lake for the next 30 years.

2. Reactivated and purchased new equipment (Vacuum System) for ~he 1&1 Department. A previous council as a cost saving measure had deactivated 1&1 Department. This department is responsible for clearing our sewage lines of roots and other obstructions and correcting inflow and infiltration of storm water. This action will insure that the city adheres to its state permits.

3. Strengthened the minimum housing ordinance that will aid in the process of clearing Henderson of the many substandard houses.

4. Passed the Certificate of Occupancy. This certificate requires that a rental dwelling be inspected prior to rental and that it meets minimum housing standards.

5. Amortization Ordinance. This ordinance will improve the appearance of the many auto repair facilities throughout the city. Many improvements have already been made as the businesses come into compliance.

6. Yard Sale Ordinance. This ordinance while not restricting legitimate yard sales, curtails the practice of persons running an ongoing 7 -day business.

7. Avoided a tax increase for the last two years.

8. Resolved the long-standing issue of the Armory. We just received an agreement from the county as to the realtor to be used and the building will be place on the market for sale.

9. Resolved the issue with the old Perry Library and we are waiting for the coupty to make an offer since we have been told that there is some interest in the county purchasing the city’s part. The building has been appraised at $450,000.

10. Purchased and are currently using the E-Civis Software. This will enable all city departments to apply for Federal and State Grants. The software was recently used by the Fire Department to purchase an exhaust system and new infrared cameras that are used to locate people in burning buildings.

11. Beacon Light Apartment Complex. Requested and were able to get HUD to close the 108 unit complex due to the deplorable conditions that existed.

12. Passed the Youth Ordinance that is proving to be very beneficial in keeping the kids off the streets at night.

13. The Council held its first meeting on September 25 of the Land Use Steering Committee. This committee will establish a comprehensive plan for the City of Henderson. The old plan written in 1970 has been outdated for years.

14. Paved City Streets for the last two years after years of neglect by past councils. The Powell Bill Funds were being held to prop up the falling General Fund Balance.

15. Hired a full time attorney that will work exclusively for the city.

16. We have initiated dialog with the county on the funding of the joint ventures.

17. Currently in the process of selling the old city garage. The business that is moving in will hire 10­ – 15 employees.

18. We have an offer for the current Municipal Building for $775,000. It is expected when the sale is finalized that City Hall will be re-located in the current operations center on Beckford Drive.

19. Hired an excellent City Manager and gave him the full support of the City Council. This has resulted in improving the Fund Balance from a low of $22,000 to well over $1,000,000.

20. Adopted a policy on ethics and conflicts of interest for council and committees, opened communications with public, and closely adhered to open meetings law.

21. The current council has put into place a formula that will completely restore the Fund Balance to a level required by the Local Government Commission of the State Treasurer’s office.

22. Set aside a portion of future revenue to replace and repair the sewer system.

20. Council worked to complete the David Street project, Cary Chapel Project, and A. Harris project for improving neighborhoods.

21. Council reviewed numerous contracts and leases for compliance issues.

22. Council addressed citizen complaints and concerns and worked to see they were corrected in a timely manner.

After listing accomplishments, Gupton moved on to more general remarks:

The comments below are by Bobby Gupton only and should not reflect on any other Council Member.

I considered not making any comments on my departure from the Henderson City Council, but as most, if not all of you know that would have been out of character.

I don’t deny being vocal and passionate about certain matters that I have brought before the City Council, and to be honest, I wish more council members would do the same. I strongly believe in open government, government that is fair to all rich or poor, regardless of your social standing.

During the budget process if a line item is placed in the budget requiring $1.7 million dollars it will require $0.263 cents per 100 dollars of property value. If funds are. not available (which they never are for the full budget) then the tax rate is increased. Likewise if a line item is removed ITom the budget the tax rate can be reduced by $0.263. This same amount of $1.7 million dollars for a county taxpayer (that all Vance County property owners are) is $.085/100.

Taxpayers of the city pay their fair share of the joint ventures in their payment of county taxes. An additional amount should not be levied in city taxes. This levy creates an environment whereas the city taxpayer pays over 80 % of the total funding of all joint projects.

I won’t go into the math but if city taxes were cut by $0.263 and county taxes were increased by $0.085 All joint ventures would be fully funded and all taxpayers (City and County) would pay equally.

For your information $0.263 represents 39 % of your city tax rate and $0.085 represents 8.5 % of your county tax rate.

F or two years I have heard that I was wrong by certain parties, but not ONE has ever been willing to sit down, discuss it and prove me wrong.

I have also heard:

“You’re right Mr. Gupton, but no one cares.”

“It’s always been this way so it must be right.”

“The fact that Henderson is the highest taxed city of its size in the state and Vance County is the 3rd highest taxed county in the state means nothing.”

It was recently reported in the local paper that Ex-Mayor Young was very critical of the suggested 12.5 % reduction in joint funding by the city. It should be noted that this reduction would have resulted in the city reducing its funding of the total amount from 84.43% to 81.01 %. Still paying the lion’s share.

I nor anyone on the current council have ever expressed a desire to eliminate the joint projects. But it seems difficult from others to understand that we only want to level the playing field. Property (City and County) owners should share equally in support of the ventures. Fairness should not be a dirty word.

It’s regrettable that we have a system of government that allows those that do not pay taxes to make laws that place taxes on others. If an individual does not pay taxes he/she has little incentive to not to pass new taxes.

Gupton’s final remarks were on the fiscal status of the city:

There has been a lot said about the financial health of the city.

I have attached to this packet the last 4 years of comments by the Local Government Commission on the city’s financial status.
I leave it to you to form your own opinion.

Gupton attached the following documents from the state’s Department of the State Treasurer as evidence that the financial well-being of the city had improved during the tenure of the 2005 – 2007 Council:

January 30, 2004

February 21, 2005

January 28, 2006

January 3, 2007