To the editor: Ice to Eskimos

Editor’s Note: This letter-to-the-editor appeared in The Daily Dispatch some days ago with several lines missing, according to the author. We were asked to run it in its unadulterated form.

In late 2005 and early 2006, Vance County officials asked us to sign up for county water.

They publicized the sign-up, posted the sign-up form on their website, and handed out/received forms in four public meetings. Almost no one signed up. Instead of listening to us, doing the honorable thing, and stopping the project, our commissioners clammed up. Eventually, after repeatedly denying that a sign up had occurred, our leaders succumbed to public pressure and officially admitted that 96 people had indeed signed up.

Then, in an effort to get a water system in spite of us, they devised a rather devious scheme. The ploy was to have a referendum to ask us for permission to borrow the money to build a water system. (Our current commission chairman even stated in an official correspondence that they could not have a sign up until after they have a referendum. Odd, considering the fact that a sign-up had already been held.) County leaders knew that the bond referendum would pass, even with near unamimous opposition to their water plan. They knew that a YES on Black Caucus Voter Cards would insure that the referendum would pass. And they were right. As proof, witness the fact that everywhere the Voter Cards were marked YES, the referendum passed. But in one precinct, the Black Caucus Voter Cards were erroneously marked NO. Guess what? In that precinct, the referendum was soundly defeated. So much for free elections and what the voters want! Remember, only 96 people said they wanted county water. To this day, in spite of a highly suspect election, government cover-ups, and repeated official denials, an overwhelming majority of county residents oppose the water system, and rightly so!

Fast forward to the present. County leaders recently had a second sign-up. After extensive professional planning and an expensive, top-notch direct mail marketing campaign, three more brilliantly timed sign-up meetings were held. The result…less than thirty additional sign-ups.

Expecting different results from the same effort…that’s not wisdom or leadership. That’s insanity and incompetence…very costly and extremely embarrassing.

Trying to sell ice to Eskimos is just plain silly. Using unscrupulous tactics is despicable.

David Ayscue
Vance County