NC GOP: Big Government Invades Child’s Lunchbox

The government is in your child’s lunchbox. The government is questioning your ability to decide what is right for your children to eat.

By now most of you have read or heard about the report by the Carolina Journal about the chicken-nugget scandal in Raeford. If you haven’t, here is a quick summation, our messaging points, and a link to the story. ( )

            A mother packed her daughter a lunch for school. That lunch included: a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread, a banana, a bag of chips, and juice. Apparently, that did not qualify as an “acceptable” lunch according to the United States Dept. of Agriculture, so a government agent seized the child’s lunch. The government then made the girl purchase an “acceptable” lunch according to government regulations. This lunch included chicken nuggets and other items that the child didn’t eat.

Below we have laid out two things: a rational questioning of the government’s decision, but more importantly how we can use this to our advantage and stop occurrences such as this.

This is an issue that should be a focal point in our answers to the Obama Administration’s desire to micro-manage our lives. When challenged about how Obama’s big-government agenda interferes with our lives, we need go no further than citing this example. While we all understand how this is an epic overreach, here are some quick points to combat those who think this was a good idea.

1.    The student’s lunch was a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole-grain bread, a banana, juice, and a bag of chips. This is well-rounded meal, and something that the child would eat. Instead, it was seized by the government and the student wasn’t allowed to enjoy any of that lunch.

2.    The child was forced to buy chicken nuggets and other items.

3.    Instead of eating a full meal, the student only ate a few processed chicken nuggets. The girl actually had a far less nutritious lunch than her mother packed, and she was deprived of eating her homemade meal.

Now let’s focus on how we use this issue to correct the problem, and hold Obama’s overall agenda responsible for its overreach.

  1.   When it comes to our children’s health, we need more parental inclusion and less governmental intrusion. The Obama Administration is so adamant about telling us what we should do, when they should focus on listening to our concerns.
  2.   This was not an “extreme example.” This was an agent following the protocol put forth by the government. This arbitrary burden imposed by the government made it so a child couldn’t eat any of her preferred, healthy, home-made lunch. This is governmental incompetence of the highest level.
  3.  Forcing a child to eat processed chicken nuggets is a direct contradiction of Michelle Obama’s healthy food agenda. While Mrs. Obama may preach responsible eating, the government’s policy told a child “no” to deli meat on whole-grain bread + bananas + juice, and “yes” to processed chicken nuggets.
  4.   Why does President Obama, or any Democrat who supports this type of intrusion, think that the government knows better than parents about lunch?
  5.   This is just another example of liberals giving government too much power. Last week we saw Obama mandate that Catholic run organizations and churches provide contraceptive funding, and now we see his administration force-feeding chicken nuggets to pre-school children. One can only wonder what type of overreach we’ll see next week.

Bottom Line: Democrats are either for force feeding chicken nuggets or they are against it. They can’t argue that the lunch-thief acted in an extreme manner, because he was simply doing what the government told him to do. In our opinion, the debate is simple: homemade lunches vs. government chicken. As silly as it sounds, we have to tell the government, “Get out of our kids’ lunchboxes!”

PLEASE NOTE: During the time this email was being authored, another story of lunchbox police has come to light. Story here:

P.S. As if this wasn’t enough, Michelle Obama is trying to tell our soldiers what they can and can’t eat in their diets.